GP Referral Letter Template for Fitness Professionals

A GP Referral Letter Template for Fitness Professionals
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[Your Name]
[Your Title/Position]
[Your Address]
[City, Postcode]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Title/Position]
[Recipient’s Organization]
[Recipient’s Address]
[City, Postcode]

Subject: Referral of [Patient’s Name] – Fitness Assessment and Training Recommendation

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to refer my patient, [Patient’s Name], for a fitness assessment and personalized training program. As a fitness professional, I believe that your expertise and guidance will greatly benefit [Patient’s Name]’s health and well-being.

Patient Details:

Name: [Patient’s Name]
Date of Birth: [Patient’s Date of Birth]
Address: [Patient’s Address]
Phone Number: [Patient’s Phone Number]
Email Address: [Patient’s Email Address]
Background Information:
[Provide a brief overview of the patient’s relevant medical history, fitness goals, and any other pertinent details.]

Medical History:
[Summarize the patient’s relevant medical history, including any chronic conditions, injuries, surgeries, medications, or other relevant information.]

Physical Assessment:
[Include any physical assessment findings, such as BMI, blood pressure, heart rate, body composition, flexibility, strength, or endurance assessments, if applicable.]

Fitness Goals:
[Detail the patient’s specific fitness goals, such as weight loss, muscle gain, improved cardiovascular health, increased flexibility, or overall fitness improvement.]

Based on my assessment and understanding of the patient’s medical history, I believe that [Patient’s Name] would greatly benefit from a comprehensive fitness assessment and personalized training program. I kindly request that you provide an evaluation of their current fitness level and design a suitable exercise regimen tailored to their needs and goals.

Please consider the following when designing the training program:

[Include any specific recommendations or restrictions based on the patient’s medical history or current fitness level.]
[Indicate any exercises or activities to avoid or modify, if applicable.]
[Provide any additional guidance or precautions that you believe are necessary for the patient’s safety and progress.]
I trust your expertise and professionalism in assessing and guiding [Patient’s Name] towards achieving their fitness goals. I kindly request that you keep me informed of their progress and any recommendations you may have for their ongoing care.

If you require any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via the information provided above. I appreciate your attention to this matter and the valuable support you provide to [Patient’s Name].

Thank you for your assistance and dedication to improving the health and well-being of our shared patients.


[Your Name]
[Your Title/Position]
[Your Organization/Practice]

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